Non-Commercial Commission Rates
No sales currently
Commission Queue is OPEN
(Currently 2/5 in line)
Payment is through paypal invoices, half or full payment up front. With a mostly full queue it can take me up to a month to get to the last filled spot FYI.
Check out my Ko-fi here!
email me at [email protected]
Busts and Icons
Colored Sketch: $40Lined+Colored: $50Lined+Colored+Shaded: $60

Half to Midbody
Colored Sketch: $50Lined+Colored: $60Lined+Colored+Shaded: $70
Colored Sketch: $60Lined+Colored: $70Lined+Colored+Shaded: $80

Comic Pages/Sequential Illustrations
Grayscale (sketched or lined): $50 per pageGrayscale with shading: $70 per pageLined and Colored: $90 per pageLined+Colored+Shaded: $100 per page(VARIES DEPENDING ON AMOUNT OF DETAIL)

Additional Characters: +40$Detailed Background: +50$Minor edits after completion: Free!Major edits after completion: +30$ (per round of edits)Prices may vary depending on complexity.---------TOSWhat I will draw:-Furries-Humans-Creatures-Semi spicy (think non-explicit pin up art)-Fanart-OcsWhat I won't draw:-Anything spreading harmful/abusive/racist/xenophobic/lgbt-phobic/etc messages-NSFW-Overly complicated mechanical stuff-Anything that may be used for NFTs or AI---------I have the right to refuse service for any reason I see fit.Please be ready to provide written or image reference, whether with previous commission work, your own work, picrew/doll dress website reference, or silly doodles.No judgement here. <3